2020-11-27 10:00:11
FSILK_Tech: 我看到EFR32G22有很多尾缀型号,哪一款用量最大,性价比最高呢?
答:The cheapest one is EFR32BG22C112F352GM32-C. For the details of the spec, you can refer to the datasheet at https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/efr32bg22c112-datasheet.pdf
2020-11-27 10:00:38
18320: 低功耗蓝牙产品)生产测试需要什么设备
答:如果采用Silicon Labs 蓝牙模组,已经经过严格测试和预先通过相关认证,客户只需要根据自己需要,做功能性检查。如果采用Silicon Labs芯片,芯片本身出厂有大量的测试,客户需要能够测试发射功率,晶振频偏和接收灵敏度的仪器,例如蓝牙综测仪,频谱仪,Golden Sample等等。
2020-11-27 10:00:33
啊思哦哦: 低功耗蓝牙有那些方面的优势?
答:Mainly. 1. low cost, 2. low current consumption, and 3. Smartphone connection
2020-11-27 09:59:25
梅妹: BLE低功耗蓝牙方案可以用在哪些产品上?
答:BLE方案通用性强,能够广泛应用与众多行业,可以实现M2M, P2M点对点和组网应用。
2020-11-27 10:00:11
wzsmzl: 正常工作状态功耗在什么水平?
答:Connected to a phone at 2000ms interval Using 2M PHY and transmitting 10 Byte / packet Average current: 4.2μA Advertising 10 bytes every 1000ms TX at 0dBm and using 1 channel Average current: 3.7μA
2020-11-27 10:00:59
hk386: 能免费申请样品吗,如果不能,开发板价格多少
答:可以申请免费样品,如果购买,最低价格是BG22 Thunderboard的19.99USD
2020-11-27 10:00:55
jully: 传声音,视频方面有哪些突破呢?
答:Silicon Labs BLE不主打音频和视频的应用
2020-11-27 10:01:28
jwdxu2009: 有汽车运用方案
答:Silicon Labs BLE没有车规级产品,有高温(125度)的产品
2020-11-27 10:01:58
risingcn: BGX220 的低功耗蓝牙设备超低功耗如何实现的?
答:You can set the relevant parameters to achieve low current consumption. For the details, you can refer to https://docs.silabs.com/gecko-os/1/bgx/latest/power-management
2020-11-27 10:01:43
啊思哦哦: 有试用产品吗?
2020-11-27 10:02:35
sumoon_yao: EFM8 系列的专用开发套件支持申请试用吗?
2020-11-27 10:03:42
孙高工: BG22支持AOA和AOD吗?
答:Yes. For further info, you can refer to https://www.silabs.com/support/training/bluetooth-aox-solutions-apac
2020-11-27 10:32:46
xiaomujie0: 这个蓝牙方案可传输多远的距离?
答:EFR32BG22芯片有6dbm的发射功率,模块有8dbm的发射功率,接收灵敏度-106.7dbm(125K coded phy), 总共可以提供高达114.7db的link budget。
2020-11-27 10:34:53
jf_69790107: 射频管脚设计提供匹配方案吗?
2020-11-27 10:04:15
FSILK_Tech: EFR32BG22方案在设计和验证完成后,如何实现量产的烧录及射频测试?
答:I am afraid that I do not have enough time to answer your technical questions here. If you do not mind, please raise your technical questions at https://www.silabs.com/support by clicking [Request Support]. We will have specific engineers to answer your questions.
2020-11-27 10:32:55
旭日东升_e92: 如何选择RF匹配拓扑?
2020-11-27 10:35:02
jf_30900691: 5.2定向怎么实现的?
答:Silicon Labs可以提供AoA和AoD的方案。
2020-11-27 10:35:21
意泊之: 这些芯片的软件开发是否提供底层驱动代码库?
答:提供外设驱动源码和例程,使用Simplicity Studio来开发
2020-11-27 10:33:37
意泊之: 振动源有没有内置的还是说都要外接?
2020-11-27 10:04:48
意泊之: 有简单的蓝牙转3线串口的产品吗?工业级应用即可。
答:You can consider BGX220 modules. For the details, you can refer https://www.silabs.com/wireless/bluetooth/bgx22-wireless-xpress-modules